
Yakuza Pride by H.J. Brues
Yakuza Pride by H.J. Brues

Yakuza Pride by H.J. Brues

Below we give you a few prices on Staples: We will give you some fine bargains in Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. If in need of Wagons, Buggies, Plows, Cultivator or Harrows we will make you low prices, Give us a call. We bought our nails before the rise in prices and will sell them at Old Prices. In hardware we will make it an object for those who are going to build to buy their Hardware of us, We will make you better prices than any house in Kingman County. We are Headquarters for all kinds of DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, FURNITURE and FARMING IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS and BUGGIES. LIVINGSTON BROS, TO THE FRONT TO THE FRONT! GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVER. The Pratt County Register comes to trs all home print now neat, newsy 'and a credit to the county. 1 and 2, daily all other trains daily except Sunday. You may be ashamed of your boy, but be careful that he is not KINGMAN, PRATT WESTERN. His field may be larger, and he may be guilty of more acts of mischief, but thy will not show any greater degree of depravity. 5s The "boy of to-days no worse than the boy of Inst year, or forty years ago. Thousands of dollars were spent in the city to say nothing of the five or six thousand taken in on the show grotmd3. Kingman was a xasaa of humanity, it "being almost impossible to crowd your way through the streets. More tickets were sold at this station than any other along the route, owinjf, no doubt to the fact that mention TCts made of the excursion in The Heualp last week, substantiating its superiority as an advertising medium. A special roach was side-tracked the evening before at this point and was well filled long before the tram was due the following morning. last Monday to Kingman and return, was a grd success. For further particulars call on or address thi3 office. For sale or trade for farm or stock, two good business houses well located.

Yakuza Pride by H.J. Brues

For further par tieuiars call on or address The Herald. 280 acres of good land six miles east of Kingman, for sale or trade for dry goods or groceries. Two recipes, treatise and full directions free, sealed. Any sufferer can use them and thus cure herself, without the aid of a physician. MORTGAGE LOANS Others! Re onr own physician A lady who for years suffered from distressing female Complaints, weaknesses, so common to her sex, and had dispaired of a cure, finally fouedTemeuies. Arthur Mears' of fcng-mad, were up last Sundayfor a little recreation. By actual measurement corn Is growing at the rate of a foot per day, more less. William andjwife, of Kingman, registered at the Sheard last Friday.

Yakuza Pride by H.J. Brues

Entered it Xinnescah Paitoflice as second class matter.

Yakuza Pride by H.J. Brues

THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1337." good Our merchants are enjoying a trade in all branches of business.

Yakuza Pride by H.J. Brues