In which case, you should probably set about writing your own book on how to write a novel. But if I’m right about there being a nearly infinite number of ways to write a novel, then there is still a chance that it might not be the book for you. All of which makes this a very practical and useful resource. And the final, lengthy, section of the book is touted as “The Ultimate Revision Checklist”, though Bell suggests varying it to suit your needs.

It offers straightforward exercises that any author could perform in order to test their characters, plots, scenes, or dialogue. This is a book for people who’ve already been inspired and are now prepared to get thoroughly mucky turning their initial effort into something worth harvesting. It doesn’t seek to inspire or nurture the nascent writer. Bell assumes he is writing for writers like him who want practical advice on how to improve their fiction. those who’ve already completed a first draft of their future masterpiece). It has many of the virtues of a book directed at motivated self-starters (i.e. Such a book would no doubt draw heavily on James Scott Bell’s highly regarded effort.

There are probably also some books on how to write books providing advice to aspiring authors. Certainly there are a lot of books on the market to aid and abet this questionable enterprise. My suspicion is that there may be as many different ways to write a novel as there are novels. You'll learn how to: Write a cleaner first draft right out of the gate using Bell's plotting principles Get the most out of revision and self-editing techniques by honing your skills with detailed exercises Systematically revise a completed draft using the ultimate revision checklist that talks you through the core story elements Whether you're in the process of writing a novel, have a finished draft you don't know what to do with, or have a rejected manuscript you don't know how to fix, Revision & Self-Editing gives you the guidance you need to write and revise like a pro. In Write Great Fiction: Revision & Self-Editing, James Scott Bell draws on his experience as a novelist and instructor to provide specific revision tips geared toward the first read-through, as well as targeted self-editing instruction focusing on the individual elements of a novel like plot, structure, characters, theme, voice, style, setting, and endings. Discover how to successfully transform your first draft into a polished final draft readers won't be able to forget. Don't let the revision process intimidate you any longer.