
Into the still blue by veronica rossi
Into the still blue by veronica rossi

The writing is perfect (well, obviously, it’s a Veronica Rossi-book) and the story moves along at a nice pace, but I did feel it took awfully long for them to actually reach the Still Blue. Really: I could not have handled Roar’s death much better than he did Liv’s. I was very scared about certain characters dying (*cough* Roar *cough* and Marron) but thank the stars my worries were deemed unnecessary. But now I have, and I feel we left things on good terms.

into the still blue by veronica rossi

I can’t believe I’m done with this trilogy 😦 I’ve put off reading the last book in the series for quite a long time, simply because I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to Aria, Perry and especially Roar. Into the Still Blue (Veronica Rossi) *****

Into the still blue by veronica rossi